For reflection, meditation & contemplation.
Astrology offers a path to self-awareness and understanding, but fear and resistance often creep into a reading. Many clients come with ingrained anxieties, shaped by personal struggles and further reinforced by rigid or simplistic interpretations of planetary influences they may have encountered. Read on to discover how astrologers can reframe this narrative and guide clients toward overcoming fear.
Read MoreOffering meaningful astrology readings involves balancing broad astrological themes with specific details unique to each client. This approach is often described as "levels of abstraction." Read on to discover how this balance creates interpretations that support each individual's journey.
Read MoreReady to elevate your practice from readings to true counseling? Discover how to create meaningful, collaborative sessions that empower clients with clarity and purpose.
Read MoreAre your astrology readings overwhelming your clients with too much information? Learn how to zero in on the most impactful elements of a chart and deliver more meaningful, memorable guidance.
Read MoreThis article is by Jim Sher, an astrological counselor and teacher deeply engaged with astrology, metaphysics, and esoteric philosophy since the 1970s. He authored 'Astrology as a Spiritual Path: Birth of the New Human,' proposing a new approach for exploring one's spiritual journey through astrology. Sher, who also founded the Sher Institute of Astrology & Metaphysics, uses his background in social work and Jungian theory to deepen his clients' understanding of themselves, showcasing astrology's immense value.
Read MoreLUNA members have access to astrological interpretations on the Zodiac Signs, Houses, and Planets. Written by Transpersonal Astrologer Jim Sher, these interpretations are abridged excerpts from his book, "Astrology as a Spiritual Path: Birth of the New Human". His underlying philosophy regards astrology as a potent tool for psychological and spiritual development. The following is written by Jim Sher to introduce his approach in his own words.
Read MorePlanetary returns mark distinct cycles of growth and transition, prompting introspection. This article centers on the Saturn Return.
Read MoreCelebrate your uniqueness and challenge norms while practicing creativity and authenticity in expressions and relationships.
Read MoreReflect on beauty, values, and relationships, allowing need to guide the journey forward.
Read MoreAlign with your authentic self, and unlock potential for emotional evolution and tangible success.
Read MoreSeize opportunities through discernment, authentic creativity, and objectivity for personal and collective growth.
Read MoreEmbrace intensity, seize opportunities, and reassess values and relationships for growth.
Read MoreExpress feelings and discover our place in the world through intuition and introspection.
Read MoreExplore healing, growth, and compassionate self-acceptance for personal transformation.
Read MoreEmbrace grounded opportunities aligned with our inner needs while expressing our creativity.
Read MoreHeal, dissolve barriers and embrace our connection with others.
Read MoreNavigate uncertainty and foster resilience by recognizing the potential of communication and meaningful connections.
Read MoreEmpowering us to make mindful decisions, the Third Quarter Square prioritizes introspection and reflecting on past realizations. Embracing authenticity, confronting fears, and aligning with our essential needs leads to fulfillment.
Read MoreThe Full Moon urges us to be real and genuine. Deep, intense relationships can provide growth opportunities. By being open and honest in our communication, and delving into unconscious issues, we can gain deeper understanding.
Read MoreThe First Quarter Moon empowers precise communication in service of self-empowerment. Grasp creativity and innovation to foster fresh, untapped potential.
Read MoreThe Soli-Lunar cycle brings insights for manifesting real-world dreams and determining the clearest way forward. We are encouraged to ground intentions, honor our nature, and cultivate abundance while maintaining patience.
Read MoreWith Eclipse season winding down, planets shift from Aries to Taurus, emphasizing the movement from initiating actions to consolidating our efforts for focused manifestation. This is a chance to embrace Taurean simplicity and distill our learnings and experiences from the past weeks.
Read MoreThe Lunar Eclipse reveals unhealed emotional wounds and hidden patterns that require attention. While the intensity may feel overwhelming, embracing the process of catharsis can lead to new levels of self-awareness and healing.
Read MoreAt the First Quarter Square, focus on reflecting on new information to make better decisions instead of taking immediate action. Tap into the contemplative energy of Mercury retrograde to gain a broader perspective.
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