Learn More About LUNA®

Founder & Developer Profile.

Kevin DeCapite

I have been reticent to say much about myself for what are probably common reasons, but I have been asked about my background enough times by others that I've come to realize this might be a good idea. Besides, I always enjoy reading about other founders and business owners, so why not provide other curious folks the same opportunity?

I did not create LUNA® to present myself to the world, but to attempt to manifest a vision in which I believe so strongly is my purpose and destiny. I do not call this "my vision", but simply "a vision". While I take as much ownership as possible in order to participate in this vision, I do not think it originated in me. In some way, LUNA® is an expression of who I am, and yet a vehicle and manifestation for what I hope and intend is a greater purpose.

Here we have a paradox, but I am quite comfortable with it.


My professional background is in web design and development. Having fallen in love with computers since around the age of 13, I've used them for both graphic design and programming projects over the years. Once I was thrown into the WWW, I was hooked. This was in the late 90s.

I wish I could say I hold x-number of degrees, but instead I spent 2 years at a Midwest community college near to where I grew up. There I studied everything from calculus and programming to fine art and music lessons. These courses were chosen at random, at my whim, due to having no direction at this stage of life. Was I to become a pilot, architect, theologian or rock star?

Apparently, none of the above.

I quickly entered the working world as a webmaster/programmer, then as a web designer. I quickly left the corporate world and joined with a former co-worker and dear friend to start an independent web design and development business from 2003 - 2013. We built dozens of websites and eventually morphed our company into web application development. The difference in our focus highlighted the increasing need for advanced technical functionality to reside in the cloud in order to help businesses optimize their processes.

In 2013 I became independent, desiring to run my own web development practice instead of pursuing a venture my business partner decided was his best course of action. This client consulting and development business — Arc Point Group — still exists, and is the entity under which I run LUNA® Astrology.


In 2011, I began studying astrology. My entrance into this field came from a proxy reading I received from a psychic. My ex-girlfriend met with the psychic and asked about me during her session. She later read her notes from the session to me and I was astounded at what this person said. I immediately began Googling and of course found related words such as "astrology", "numerology" and "tarot" alongside my searches for "pyschics".

I bought my first astrology book and had a similar experience as when I had encountered the WWW; I was hooked.

I recall quite clearly stopping at one point and thinking, "I need a teacher for this." I could tell before I even finished reading the book that I wasn't going to become adept without proper instruction. The subject was simply too big to self-teach, despite my highly autodidactive nature. I was living in Long Beach, CA at that time and found a Los Angeles teacher by the name of Jim Sher who runs The Sher Institute of Astrology & Metaphysics.

Right away I saw a problem with the current state of astrology software. However, I was not technically capable of doing anything about it at that time. Instead, the following 4-5 years would be spent growing up, and learning the Saturn lessons I hadn't fully embraced. (In case it wasn't clear earlier, I really did want to tour the world in a rock band.)

Once I became professionally independent, I stepped up my game and learned a great deal more about business and programming in order to grow Arc Point Group. By the end of 2017, the thought of creating astrology software was no longer out of reach.

Once the vision dropped into my awareness, all engines started firing as I spent 2018 building LUNA® in the evenings and on weekends, outside of my client work which was still paying the bills.

As I write this now in March of 2022, I am able to say that LUNA® has become a full-time project for me as I've discontinued my client activities. Moving on from the clients who have been so valuable to my life and business (some I've worked with for more than 15 years) was not an easy decision, but I knew that I could not begin to manifest LUNA® in a significant way unless I made the necessary change (or perhaps, sacrifice). Now the vision of what LUNA® is intended to become — and of what contributions to astrology might be made — consumes all of my attention and focus.

I couldn't be more humbled and fulfilled.

Birth Certificate Details:

November 29, 1976 @ 12:32am
Parma, OH, USA